Monday, April 8, 2013

A place to hang up my umbrella

3 months since my last post? For shame! Unfortunately all of my most harrowing and blog-worthy adventures go on the work related blog. That leaves little time to talk about the mundane areas of my life, like the banana flower curry I made for dinner or the eating contest that I cheered at last month. If you'd like me to hook you up with that much more awesome blog, you can e-mail me! (Not like I really have to sell it, but sometimes I give life-saving breath or bench press boulders on that blog. Well, at least I'm going to bench press a boulder. Soon. It's on the schedule)

But I have News! From The Other Side Of The Pond 

For the last 7 months I have been bumping around a lot. I left the dorm, stayed with friends, have traveled to several different countries, and have not fully unpacked my bags. Until two weeks ago.

My darling Australian flatmate (who fights international injustice as a job then moonlights slaying dragons and saving babies for fun) and I moved in to our new apartment, and we're settling in nicely.
I've hardly scratched the surface on Design Sponging the entire house, but the front room is done, sans stuff on the wall (waiting for a drill that can tackle the concrete walls).

My decorating budget is nearly non-existent (notice the use of my ladder and broken toaster in the decorating scheme), but I did invest in paint and this amazing traditional Thai chair/bench/couch.

More pictures to come (like a Do-It-Yourself Folded Book Bookshelf that I invented!), and I'll keep you updated as I move across the house. This might turn into a home decorating/cooking blog (banana flower curry anyone? And black garlic simmering in the rice maker).

Yes, I think I'm home!


  1. Wonderful, thrilling, fantastic! I'm so impressed with your passion and creativity! And I just cannot say enough good stuff about that incredible wall... You go girl!

  2. I'm uber-impressed by your wallpaint work. Want!

  3. THAT WALL. Wow ladies. I don't think you'll ever outdo the Zebra wall, but this is a stunning second. Also I love the infamous coordinated Christmas PJs photo on your awesome bookshelf. The toaster painting holder is a nice touch too.

  4. 1) sweet as.
    2) you will be the queen of pinterest soon.
    2) ladder shelves such as yours are very, very en vogue.
